How to Make Schools Safer

how to make schools safer

Ensuring the safety of students and staff in schools is of utmost importance. In recent years, schools have faced increasing security concerns, making it necessary to implement comprehensive security measures.

The National Center for Education Statistics (2024) informs us that:

  • About 857,500 violent incidents and 479,500 nonviolent incidents were recorded by public schools in 2021-22.
  • Sixty-seven percent of public schools reported having at least one violent incident. Also, 59 percent reported having at least one non-violent incident.

As you can see from the abovementioned statistics, violent incidents are happening in schools nationwide. School administrators need to take action to ensure the safety of students and school staff members.

By taking proactive steps to create a secure learning environment, schools can cultivate a sense of safety and well-being for everyone. In this article, we will discuss effective security measures that schools can take to make schools safe again.

Access Control Systems

One of the fundamental security measures for schools is implementing access control systems. These systems enable schools to monitor and control who enters the premises.

By installing security gates, turnstiles, or electronic card readers at entrances, only authorized individuals can gain access. Access control systems not only restrict entry to potential intruders but also help track the movement of students and staff within the school.

CCTV Surveillance

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance is an invaluable tool for enhancing security in schools. Strategically placed cameras help monitor common areas, entryways, and parking lots, deterring potential threats and aiding in incident response.

When combined with remote access capabilities, school administrators can keep an eye on activities in real-time, even outside school hours.

make school safe
Cameras help monitor a school premise.

Emergency Alert Systems

Rapid response is critical during emergency situations. Installing emergency alert systems throughout the school facility can save valuable time in the event of an emergency.

These systems allow for instantaneous communication, alerting students and staff about threats, lockdowns, or evacuation procedures. With modern technology, emergency alerts can be sent via text messages, PA systems, mobile apps, or digital signage, ensuring quick dissemination of vital information.

safe schools
A PA system gets messages delivered to many people at once.

School Resource Officers

Employing well-trained, dedicated School Resource Officers (SROs) is an effective measure to maintain a secure learning environment. SROs are law enforcement professionals who provide security, conduct risk assessments, and cultivate positive relationships with students and staff.

Their presence on-site helps deter misconduct, respond to incidents promptly, and serve as a valuable resource for safety-related education and training.

We are able to provide both armed and unarmed guards.

commissioned -armed guards-lonestar-security
Armed guards ensure school safety.

Safety Drills and Training Programs

Preparation is key to handling emergencies effectively. Regular safety drills and training programs should be conducted to familiarize students and staff with emergency protocols.

These drills can include fire drills, lockdown procedures, and evacuation exercises. By practicing and reinforcing safety measures, the school community becomes well-equipped to respond appropriately during critical situations.

The National Center for Education Statistics (2024) tells us during the 2021-22 school year, 92 percent of public schools said they had a formal plan to prepare for and respond to multi-country or worldwide pandemic disease. Schools had written plans describing the procedures to be performed in various other crisis scenarios as well, including active shooters (96 percent), natural disasters (96 percent), suicide threats or incidents (94 percent), and bomb threats (92 percent).

Secure Perimeter Fencing

Implementing secure perimeter fencing around the school grounds is a physical barrier that can help deter unauthorized access. It creates a clear boundary between the school and its surroundings, making it easier to monitor and control who enters the premises.

Perimeter fencing should be complemented by access control points that ensure all individuals entering the school are authorized.

Visitor Management Systems

Schools must keep track of all visitors entering the premises. Implementing a visitor management system allows for efficient check-in procedures, background checks if necessary, and monitoring of visitor movements throughout the school.

By requiring all visitors to register upon arrival and wear identification badges, schools can easily identify and differentiate between authorized personnel and potential threats.

Mental Health Support Services

Ensuring student well-being goes hand in hand with physical security. Providing access to mental health support services within schools can help identify and address potential issues before they escalate.

Counselors, social workers, and mental health professionals can play a crucial role in fostering a safe and supportive learning environment.

Ames (2019) explains shootings are just one of many traumatic events that children may face at school. They may also be threatened or injured by a weapon, be bullied, be physically assaulted, or be affected by natural disasters.

This information tells us, positive mental health of students is a key component of school safety.

safe schools
Students need to feel safe at school.

Collaborative Relationships with Law Enforcement

Establishing collaborative relationships with local law enforcement is essential. Regular communication and joint training exercises allow for coordination in emergency situations.

Local law enforcement agencies can provide valuable insights into security assessments and provide guidance on best practices for maintaining a secure school environment.


Making schools safe again requires a comprehensive and multi-layered approach to security. Prioritizing the well-being of students and staff by investing in security measures creates a conducive environment for learning and growth.

By implementing the security measures discussed in this post, schools can ensure a safe and secure future for all those within their premises. We offer security services for schools K-12 and daycare centers.


Ames, Blair. (2019, June 3). Making schools safe for students. National Institute of Justice.

National Center for Education Statistics. (2024, January 17). New schools data examine violent incidents, bullying, drug possession, ‘restorative’ practices, security staff, and more. National Center for Education Statistics.,least%20one%20non%2Dviolent%20incident.

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